Tag: for sauna
General Incorporated Association Finland Sauna Club Japan’s largest sauna event “SAUNA FES JAPAN 2019”. ➡️ Date and time: September 21-23, 2019; 10:00-18:00 on the last day ※ Until 17:00 ➡️ Place: Finland Village (〒 798, Koumi-cho, Minamisaku-gun, Nagano Prefecture 384-1103) ➡️ Official Site: www.saunafesjapan.com
Read MoreSauna hat: right size choice and care instructions
Sauna hat size – importance and comfort. Nowadays, being in sauna without a hat it is hard to imagine and at the same time exist so many choices – different shapes, sizes, forms, models. Head is spinning already!! So, how to choose the right one for yourself? Do you already know what hat size are correct for you? Which is the most appropriate headwear for sauna? Lots of sauna hats are able to make you fashionable, but first of all it’s necessary feel protected and comfortable with them. In the…
Read MoreWhy do you need a sauna hat?
. Advantages of sauna are known for us, but do we know well what extra protection attributes we need to have with us in sauna and why? Most important it is a sauna hat, that protects your head and hair from overheating during sauna sessions. The difference between a steaming session with a hat and one without is immense. Usually, temperature in sauna may be high and your head is most exposed to the heat when staying inside. The head tends to heat up faster than the rest of the body, especially when a…
Read MoreTrainingscamp Aufguss – praktisches Üben von Wedeltechniken in der Sauna
An das Aufgusspersonal moderner Saunabetriebe werden zunehmend größere Anforderungen gestellt, denn erlebnisreiche, gut vorgetragene Aufgüsse bieten den Bädern Wettbewerbsvorteile. Im ausschließlich praxisorientierten Seminar trainieren erfahrene Aufgiesser die TeilnehmerInnen in unterschiedlichen Wedeltechniken. Das Einüben dieser Voraussetzungen steht im Vordergrund. Außerdem wird die Dramaturgie eines Aufgusses besprochen und die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer werden auf den souveränen Umgang mit den Aufgussgästen vorbereitet. Möglichkeiten von Aufgusszeremonien und Aufguss-Events werden diskutiert. http://www.saunabund-ev.de/index.php?id=347
Read MoreWhy do you need a sauna hat?
Cheerful animation, why do you need a sauna hat!
Read MoreNew sauna hat for steambath master-saunamaster
The harsh life experience of the Eastern people combined with modern technologies and adapted to modern needs and there you have it – a new sauna hat design ‘ILGIZ‘ is born. The hat covers the ears, shoulders and partly the chest. It may be pinned in the back, if necessary, thus allowing for adjustment to the ever changing sauna environment. The hat is made of stabilised genuine felt. They say originality is in simplicity – Sauna hats for saunamasters
Read More25-26/10/2013 Bad Hofgastein, Austria
Time is flying, never to return, while experiences are still fresh and alive! On 25-26 October 2013, a fascinating SaunaWM World Cup 2013 event took place in Bad Hofgastein (Austria)! It is a modern show of images and sensations in sauna. Control of soft and fragrant sauna steam requires lots of determination and knowledge, therefore only the very best steam masters from all over the world take part in the event! Our sincere congratulations to the Lithuanian team that took part in the competition for…
Read MoreTrademarks and Designs Registration Office of the European Union
02/08/2013 We have great news!!! Our sauna hat design has been registered as a registered Community design with the OHIM (Trademarks and Designs Registration Office of the European Union).
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